Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, May 02, 2011

In The News

What an odd morning... waking up after a groggy to discover that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

Came to school and my 2nd graders were very excited, all talking in groups in the room. I kept hearing snippets. "Dead" "killed" etc. Especially kept hearing the voice of one student who is quiet on everything but politics and math.

So of course we had a meeting. I asked what they'd heard in the news. I said I wanted to help them understand things they'd heard, find out what was true, what wasn't true, what we didn't know etc. That child I just mentioned stated clearly,

"They got the guy who planned the attack on the two towers."

"Great," I said. "What else do you know?" and called on someone else.

"The Yankees beat the..." (I don't even remember who he said.)

"It was my birthday."

"I saw this cool motorcycle race on TV."

In short, they had no clue. These are 2nd graders. None of them were even born before 2011. And ant hills are bigger than mountains to them.

Love it.

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Blogger Melissa said...

it's interesting to see what kids get out of current events.

4:06 PM

Anonymous Alissa said...

"And ant hills are bigger than mountains to them"

I love this line. I'm keeping it :)

8:45 AM


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