Remember when I said in my Pesach Waste post that I was bummed about not making it to a shiur? And remember how I said I was going to be co-leading a discussion about Ruth in a Rosh Chodesh group?
Well, the person who pulled that group together directed us to a series of lectures online that are absolutely amazing. They do exactly what I most enjoy of Torah study of drawing connections between different stories and ideas in immaculate detail. I've still got a few classes left, but if you are interested I really encourage you to hear this series by Rabbi David Fohrman. They're not labeled very well, so you should listen to:
Lot and his Daughters 1 and 2, then
Judah and Tamar parts 1-3, then (I think... not there yet)
Book of Ruth parts 1-3
Next week I'm planning to hear Aviva Zornberg speak too.
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