Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Imagine That

ND started on solids about a month ago. Just cereals. Since that time I have noticed her going for days at a time without a bowel movement. People said that I shouldn't let her go more than 3 days without a movement and when I called the doctor's office, the nurse told me to give her prune juice. Since the prune juice, the poor thing sometimes would wake up in the night and cry from the gas, but still no movement. At the end of a few days like this, we get a movement which, like this morning, look very very big and yucky and come after a few hours of ND looking very serious, not her usual self.

So at our actual appointment today, the doctor (who is about to move to California to start up her own holistic children's yoga and health center) said, "Has anyone told you that by this age, children who still exclusively breastfeed incorporate the nutrition so thoroughly into their body that they often go for days without a bowel movement?"

It's a damn good thing that the only remedy I used on her was a little juice. I have no intention of fixing her when she is not broken, but by writing this entry I hope to fix the broken information I was given.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait. I'm confused. If she's on cereal, then she's not "still" exclusively breastfeeding, so the no bowel movement for a few days doesn't seem to apply.

Thankfully, you just gave her prune juice. Bowels are a thing near and dear to my IBS infested heart, er, gut I guess, so I read these things with intrigue. And dismay at ND being uncomfortable!!

7:32 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Our doc said it could be up to 5 days with no poops! Also, I've found that mangoes work nicely to soften those rabbit pellets AND they're full of vitamins. (and tasty) Since they're also expensive, Theo gets them in the form of mango applesauce which is a lot cheaper. Mostly, I'm just looking forward to the day when I don't have to think about anyone else's poop.

7:43 PM

Blogger Evenewra said...

Alissa, I think she meant instead of formula.

Eisraeldavis, yes I agree. Recently a friend was kind of upset with me for not sharing "stuff" so much lately and I kept wanting to explain, "Look, right now I spent a lot of time thinking about diapers and bowel movements. It's not the most interesting 'stuff.'"

8:46 PM

Blogger AMJ said...

Arwen, after going through lots of constipation with our little M. I have some thoughts on the matter which your are welcome to take or leave. First, depending on the cereal it can cause constipation. Rice cereal has been known to do that. We also discovered that, bananas, applesauce, yogurt and anything starchy can all cause the same problem. We found that old fashion oatmeal is great at solving the problem as well as pears, pears and raspberries and mango in baby food jars. It seems to me that it is a very individualistic thing and that you really have to take it case by case. We found that when we let M. go a few days we were having to give suppositories to fix the problem. And I agree with eisrael, I will be grateful for the day when I am not worrying about someone else's poop!

4:14 PM


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