Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Music Together

ND and I are signed up for Music Together classes. I called completely on a whim last week and was signed up by the end of the day. I LOVE it so far. We had a make-up class last week because we've already missed several in the series, and had another one today.

The two classes had very different families attending. The make-up class on Wednesday was small and intimate with about 6 moms and babies. Today was completely full with some dads even visiting too. But I have to say, the second group was just not as playful. The moms and dads were mostly reserved and quiet, sometimes even talking to each other instead of joining in all together. I was one of a few who was probably having even more fun than the kids playing the instruments, singing and dancing. The dads were especially shy. I watched them and didn't see them sing AT ALL! What wet blankets.

One of the best parts of the class is when they bring out these huge drums for the babies and parents to sit around and beat. The teacher would play a rhythm and the parents were supposed to copy. Then the teacher tried to get someone else to do a beat for everyone else to repeat. No one volunteered, so she looked right at me and said, "You're doing well." I think she was kind of desperate for me to join in there, although she didn't show it. So I did my rhythm and the others copied.

So much fun. I hope ND grows up willing to be boisterous during settings like these when she grows up too.

Now if I can just get the Tiny Tim song we sing about this burping frog out of my head!

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