Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer State Of Mind

As a teacher who lives with the perpetual gift of empty summers, I've had to learn how to view them in the right way. In the past I've actually produced a lot of anxiety about using them right because they're just so precious.

I've thought of using them as a time for lofty projects, for catching up on things, for adventures, for massive amounts of fun that I don't normally have.

They're now more for me about a change in lifestyle... a lifestyle that permits me:
• to bike to the store for groceries with my daughter
• to make challah on Fridays, also with my daughter
• to write a little more often
• to stay up and get up a little later
• to spend a little more time on yoga
• to clean up after myself just a little better (mainly clearing the dining room table every time I use it and to get the dishes done)
• to live at a "living" pace, doing things one at a time

In this particular year I had hoped -- ever ambitious -- to clean every room in our house thoroughly, but it's not working with ND around. And a friend pointed out to me just how unrealistic that was.

I started this post on Sunday and today it's Tuesday, and dishes are piled in the sink... but I'm calm and happy and feel the time has been right. It's just nice not to rush so much.

I enjoyed this same feeling during last Pesach break, and I hoped I could bring the relaxation into the school year. I found that I could not. It's just not realistic.

But that's one more thing I'm not going to worry about.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

A time for everything as King Solomon said. Wishing you a good summer with family & friends.

6:59 PM


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