Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

State of Mind #2 / Fridge Poem 4: Obnoxious Voices

Today and tonight I was amazing.

I taught all day, then helped with a Tu B'Shvat seder I've been helping plan for months, and then I ran my Partnership for Torah program, all in all servicing over 100 people. I know the work I did was very good. And I did my best. And yet a couple of people were a real pain. Just a couple, badly timing their innappropriate issues and ways of being. They didn't mean to be a pain, but were nonetheless.

This in itself shouldn't bother me. People are people.

And yet it does.

I think it's because it sets off all those screaming voices in my head about not doing things well enough or reminders of peope being angry, or resentment at how tired I am, even though I wanted to do it and enjoyed doing it.

Hence, tonight's magnetic poem (before I head to bed)

Obnoxious Voices

Don't trust the obnoxious voices
territorial animals that claw and pierce
their worried rhythms into your magic.

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