Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Meeting People On Tisha B'Av

It's tricky to be in a new Jewish community close to Tisha B'Av. I've only had 2 Shabboses at the shul and now I was there on this holiday on which we are in mourning for all of the tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people over thousands of years. In keeping with the spirit of the day you are not supposed to greet one another (always a very difficult task) nor introduce yourself. So last night after Eichah (a reading that takes place on the evening of Tisha B'Av) a woman said,

"I'm not supposed to introduce myself but my name is..."
"Well, I'm not supposed to introduce myself either but my name is ... and I'm looking forward to talking to you more on another day."

The truth is, I'm a pretty shy person when new to a community. It usually takes me a very long time to really warm up to people. But the people in this shul all just seem so friendly in a non-threatening way. In some places, kindness takes the form of lots and lots of personal questions, but here people somehow seem undemanding with the questions and generally are interested in how we are adjusting.

We'll have a little more to answer them when the moving truck finally comes...

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