Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Yankees vs. Royals

I went to my first real baseball game ever: New York vs. Kansas City. We had bleacher seats which meant:

1. We had to go through a separate entrance.
2. We had a pole in front of us.

3. No Kosher hot dogs. I found another Jewish couple who were also trying to figure out how to get to the Kosher hot dogs in the main stadium, but alas, it couldn't be done.

It was fun being there except that the truth is I don't really have any sports alliances except for rooting AGAINST the Yankees. So with the exception of the YMCA song, it was hard to know what to do when people were cheering. Mostly U. and I sort of muttered sarcastic and very silly remarks to each other about the game.

One really cool catch involved a Royal jumping up, catching the ball, then rolling on the ground and popping up again unscathed. I couldn't quite see it, but U. jumped up in time and saw it all.

(Note: At the time I'm posting this, the video isn't up yet for that catch from the link above, but I guess it will be a little later.)

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