Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, December 05, 2005

Spoke too soon

Just home from the doctor. She wants me to keep taking the cough syrup with the codeine. Says I can probably return to work Wednesday.

Hey, the fact that I'm blogging again has to be a sign that SOMEthing is getting better with this, right?

Good news... no strep, no tonsilitis, no pneumonia, no giant gashes on the back of my throat from all the coughing, no cancer. (These are just a FEW of the things I've thought this virus might be.)

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Blogger hemlock said...

All through my childhood I was plagued by strep and tonsilitis (sp?). Seemed like twice a year I got one of these.

I seemed to fend them off for a while, then strep showed up again during my final exams of my undergrad. Ugh.

Strep sucks.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

1:43 PM

Blogger Evenewra said...

What brought you to my site, Leafgirl? I like what I'm seeing on yours.

Thankfully, I don't have strep, but I feel like I"m constantly ill. Have you found any solutions? I think I want to find a naturopath.

And remember, I work with kids. Lots of kids, with lots of germs.

2:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it's getting better. Don't go back to work unless you're SURE you're up to it!

3:12 PM

Blogger Evenewra said...

I know I know. But how can I be SURE?

Honestly, you have any good measures?

3:18 PM


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