Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Daycare Troubleshooting

As I've said before, the scariest and most emotionally trying aspect to returning to work is leaving ND in someone else's care. Today something happened that I think will help tremendously.

I had her signed up for a center that is fairly close to where I live. But today I found out that I have permission to transfer to another branch. Then I discovered that there is a branch less than 2 miles from where I work!

I visited today. It's smaller than the other one and I felt much more comfortable visiting. There are only 3 infants in the infant room right now, and the center was very flexible with me. I can decide a number of things at the last minute with them if I need to.

This makes a tremendous difference to me.

1. She will just be closer to me which means I won't have to suffer a 15-minute or longer drive in agony as I work through my guilt and miss her so painfully, and I know I can be there within a matter of minutes if she really needs me.

2. It means there will be fewer hours ultimately that she will have to be there because I can subtract that extra travel time from our contract now.

3. It also means fewer hours because now I can pick her up right away and take her with me on errands. Before I had imagined either paying for more time while I run errands, or running all the way home to get her and then heading out again.

I think gradually things are falling into place, and the sooner I actually start back to work (planning for the 15th still), the sooner I can stop the stress of anticipating it.

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