Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our First Day Home Alone

Today was ND's and my first day home alone together. No help from anyone. I'm utterly amazed at how much happened in the day.

Here, in no particular order...

1. I gave her her first baby massage. I used a video I got from the library to teach me how. She liked it but was pretty wiggly. I'd much prefer to learn this from a teacher directly than from a video. There's a doctor who teaches it that I've been trying to reach but is rarely available.

2. I finished reading my own baby books that my mom brought from home.

3. Filled in a page or two of ND's baby book.

4. Finished reading a chapter from a book on postpartum wellness for moms.

(2-4 were all done while nursing.)

5. Researched more about thrush and adjusted my own treatment plan a little.

6. Went for a walk to the library. This was one of the most taxing events of the day. She was EXHAUSTED by the time we tried to go, but I guess she was also hungry. If I held her, she slept soundly. But as soon as she felt me try to belt her into the stroller, she awoke and SCREAMED. I finally decided that passersby could say what they would, but I hoped that getting her outside would help her fall asleep. I was right and she slept all the way to the library. But once I started looking at the video shelves she awoke and started crying and didn't stop until we were home again and nursing (about 20 minutes of heartbreaking tears). After all that she slept for a very long nap which I hope doesn't mean she wakes up too much tonight.

7. I finally got myself a good lunch around 4:00 PM! (I had started one earlier by finishing off some leftovers with the intention of eating something more substantial soon after. With the whole "walk to library" thing it wasn't so easy.

8. I managed to get to the basement to do a load of laundry with ND asleep in a sling around my body. I also forgot to actually push the start button on the dryer load until U. came home and was supposed to bring up the dry stuff only to find it still wet. I guess I was irritated because there were some other people in the laundry room -- pretty young, I might add -- who didn't offer to help me even though they weren't doing anything and I only had one arm to work with as I held on to ND with the other.

9. And last, but not least, a pipe burst in our bathroom ceiling sending steam into the bathroom so intense that the ceiling began to rain boiling hot water. The super had to shut off heat for the whole building and tomorrow I get to work with plumbers.

I guess I'm doing pretty darn well as a new mom!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how priorities change, and what becomes considered "an accomplishment"!

Sorry to hear about your bathroom! Thank Gd no one was in there when it turned into a tropical sauna. Hope it got all taken care of!

5:11 PM


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