Summer Summary
The rains are here. School starts on Thursday for me. Summer is over.
In June I posted about my annual worries and goals, and now I want to write about them.
1. I said I wanted to write. I wrote. Not as much as I would liked, but:
-I logged 26 hours of daytime writing work. This included the incredible workshop I posted about previously.
-I've also begun doing just a little more reading and writing every night before bed, so that's even more important.
-I submitted work to 4 places (I think... maybe more).
-I printed out a lot of my work into binders making it easier for me to look at where I've come from and where I'm going writing-wise.
2. I wrote about spending real time with ND. We did it. Some afternoons together were too long, but we went on outings to Abma's Farm, Van Saun Park, The Children's Museum, swimming lessons and a lot more. There were also our special trips to MA, Chautauqua and camping. I've relearned yet again that focused time is harder to do but more fruitful than multitasking.
3. I've rooted myself some more... spending time with friends, exercising, becoming comfortable here even after some rebellious weeks when I wanted to move NOW. Trying to appreciate what HERE has to offer instead of wondering so much about THERE. I want to stay informed, visit other places as possible, but there are no immediate plans to change or move.
4. Lots of work on and around the house, yearly shopping etc. too.
I'm anxious about the new year, never sure what it's going to bring. Sad to give up my days and to have so much work ahead. But I'm always open to a challenge. I hope this is a good year for me. I hope it is for ND too. I hope it is for us all as a family.
Shanah tovah.
Labels: children, family, holidays, living here, meditation, outings, parenthood, road trips, teaching, writing
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