Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Phone Call

I had to do parent-teacher conferences today. In the middle of a break my cell. phone rings with U's number, but it was ND on the line.


"Hi. How are you?"

"At Chuck E. Cheese I got a loose tooth."

Right on schedule, a bottom front tooth for a 6 year old. I kind of felt, though, that when I came home a  full-fledged adult would be waiting for me. Some of these landmarks feel huge.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel that way about my grandkids sometimes :-)...
I can still remember when your dad was showing off pictures of baby ND...he was one very proud grandpa! I can scarcely believe how the time has flown...
Blessings, Aimee

5:27 AM


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