Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Blog #5: Hiding

I tried to hide behind the written word this week. (In fact, I'm compelled to write this now because I had 2 people write comments to my blog. Both made me feel self-conscious, because suddenly I was actually being held accountable for what I was writing here. It feels great to sit here and type and imagine everyone loves what I'm saying... but as soon as someone responds (not even critically... just responding and showing they've read what I wrote), I found out how unnerving it can be to have an audience.

Yet, I'm still doing it because I don't think I'm alone in this feeling, and it's a fascinating feeling. And if you're reading this, and don't like reading it, then you can just stop. That's your choice. In the meantime, I'm building up my courage by continuing.

That said... I sent a letter somewhere on Monday and got a response by phone Tuesday. (Rare turnaround!) When I wrote the letter, I felt brave and important. When I got the phone message, I became nervous that I would have to actually talk to someone. I guess some of us just feel safer behind a keyboard.

In another entry I'll tell more about what this mysterious letter was for... It's going to become a new theme of its own because hopefully it will become a bit of a saga. But here's a teaser. The new theme will be "Egg activism" because I have a concern. I have very strong feelings about using free-range eggs. (I think people SHOULD use them.) But so many of them have blood spots that people who keep Kosher (like me) can't use half the carton and lose a lot of money. So this letter I wrote was to a free-range egg farm. I did get the courage to call the guy back the next morning, and I learned some surprising stuff. But I'll leave that for another time...

Stay tuned.



Blogger Jay said...

Writers are taught to know their audience and write for them. How do you reconcile two such radically different audiences as us and you? That is what you struggle with.

I'm well aware of my audience, as small as it is. When I write "aware", I mean "afraid". That is why most of my posts are fairly impersonal.

When I kept an anonymous blog, it was actually truer to me. However, it got boring and I prefer to live on the edge and let a little of myself out now and then.

11:15 PM


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