Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The blog #6Fridge Poem #9: Where I've been

Reasons I haven't blogged recently:

Joined a gym
busy with teaching
busy with Purim
spending time with people
doing "real" writing, stuff I want to develop and publish
doing "real" writing, stuff that's too personal
spending time with people in person
spending time with my cat in person
have to do more research before I'm willing to write anything about egg activism

Hence, tonight's Fridge Poem (no, that's not it up above) is quite appropriate. Again, the words were chosen at random. I deleted, "furniture" and "an"

I will title it the same thing as my general blog entry:

Where I've Been

I throb like a fever.
Better when people companions.



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