Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Friday, April 08, 2005


Tomorrow is National Ant Day...

Ant day ant day ant day
the holiday good for everyday.

Celebrate ant day
shout about ant day
ant day ant day ant day.

Step on no ants.
Squish out no ants.
Ant day ant day ant day.

(This is a holiday I began spontaneously on April 9, 1991, my freshman year in high school. Bringing plastic ants to school and giving them to everybody was a great way to express teenage angst. It's a universal holiday. Good for everyone... except people who are too busy preparing for Pesach and tax day. It should really be International Ant Day as it quickly travelled with me and with friends to Israel, Poland and beyond when anyone I knew happened to be there on April 9. A groupie of the holiday, Boaz Frankel, has done amazing things for it. While I began by only making t-shirts and giving out of useless presents, he went on to make buttons and even try to get something going for NAD at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. Alas, my involvement as founder has dwindled to a yearly song and general jubilation on the day.)

May next year's National Ant Day be solidified enough to show up on a google search. Bashanah Haba'ah B'Google.



Blogger Evenewra said...

I just have to add, that since this rushed NAD post this morning, I've thought of a historical NAD story I really want to tell, but I've no time right now. I will somehow find time later in the day. Please stay tuned.

11:04 AM


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