Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Boy, have I got a lot I want to write and not much time to do it. This was one of those Shabbats when I was just filled with things to say and I still owe an entry about the women's megillah reading.

However, I've got parent-teacher conferences early tomorrow and then late late late on Tuesday after a full day teaching, so I'm busy getting ready for that and making the most of whatever leisure time I do have.

(I've made a list at my desk of things I want to blog about later. We'll see what comes of it.)

I starting getting sick this last week after the Fast of Esther. Friday it reached it's worst which was simply a sore throat and a very flushed face. With the use of this book I diagnosed myself (double-checking with the guy at the Health Food and Medicine store), took lycopodium because my throat hurt on the right instead of th left, and sure enough am far better tonight!

Anyway, this is basically irrelevant. I want to write about so many other things, but I do really need to finish up preparing for two more kids' conferences and then hit the sack.

In the meantime, for your listening pleasure, here is the problem with blogs. Sadly, I agree with everything this guy says. I have not been keeping up with reading others' blogs at all. I've always had this dream that someday I would be such a great writer that someone would come and decipher and catalog every word I've written (crammed into files and boxes and journals all over), but the extremely painful truth is, it's not likely. There's proof of that now. Sure, some people like my blog, but not every entry, not every word. Reading my blog is like passing me in a room. I'm good to talk to, maybe some good insights, but there are a whole lot of people in the room besides me.

I guess I just happen to be braver in the blog than in the room.

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