Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I just saw a very shiny and new-looking car with a fancy license plate that says "Namaste." I don't mean to say that the person who happens to be driving that very nice looking car is not a spiritual person, but to buy a fancy license plate to broadcast it to the world seems counterintuitive.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Au contraire, I think it's quite appropriate - the driver is acknowledging the spiritual worth of his car. Y'know, actually admitting to the world openly where his priorities are...

I think that's quite civilized of the driver. ;)

It's right up there with the plate I saw yesterday: RN U OVR. I appreciate when people put their objectives right out there. No obfuscation to be seen.

4:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the one I saw Monday on one of those boxy cars. Car was all black, shiny, and license plate said

4:20 PM


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