Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lost Torah

Well, it was a good day after all.

U. liked the songs I gave him and we went out to dinner tonight.

Also, it turned out the party last night was lovely but "not the kind you think about a lot the morning after," apparently.

Now some Torah:

Tonight I was learning with my chavruta (study partner) about the spies who first entered Israel. We were talking about how it was not a punishment for the people to wander in the desert for 40 years. Rather it was a necessary step to get a new generation ready for the land.

This led us to remember last year's conversation about Moshe... that his not being allowed into Israel was not necessarily a punishment, but rather that he was no longer the right leader for the people.

My chavruta, besides having a strong background in Torah knowledge and learning, also has a degree in philosophy and likes watching Lost.

I didn't mean to digress (really I didn't) but I couldn't help but point out that Moshe's experience of not being allowed into the land is similar to that of poor Benjamin Linus. Terrifying manipulator that he is, my heart bleeds for him that once he moves the island, he can't ever come back.

We talked for awhile about biblical parallels to the show, but there is a limit. I don't think that once Moshe was prevented from entering Israel he was likely to perform assassinations on the mainland.

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