Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Special Days

It's National Ant Day!

In honor of this glorious occasion, I'm going to let you know why I have completely forgotten to prepare anything for this holiday.


I haven't said anything until now because I wanted make sure everything was in place. I think by now it's safe to spill the beans. I have a week and a half to finish preparing for Pesach. Then U., ND and I enjoy the seders at other people's houses with a good friend of ours visiting. Early early early the next morning after the Yom Tov, ND and I head to Portland. We return in the middle of the night after the end of the Yom Tov on April 28. The next day, Tuesday, we do the walk through. Wednesday we close. Thursday the washer and dryer should be delivered. Friday the movers come. (Meanwhile U. is taking off those days to move stuff even before the movers come.) By Shabbos, we are living in a house!!!


I'm so superstitious. Now I'm afraid something will go wrong based on this disclosure.

I hope there are some wonderful ants that live OUTSIDE the house only! And if ants are a problem, may they be the only one!

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Blogger Allie said...

Fantastic news! Happy New House to you all!

(and belated Happy Ant Day too!)

9:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omigosh! MAZAL TOV! How awesome! I'm sure at this point (I assume you've moved in by now), it's still overwhelming, but you must be having a blast figuring out where to put everything :)

May you make many happy memories in your new home!!

6:54 PM


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