Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hello, Sagittarius

ilI've done some very good things for myself today and yesterday during this week off. In particular, today I got a prenatal massage which was absolutely wonderful.

The most amazing thing happened during the massage. I commented that the baby seemed to be moving in response to the touch of the massage therapist. She said that absolutely the baby was and that it (I know the sex but don't want to say it here) was definitely aware of her presence. We commented on how she can tell that the babies often like the music she plays in the room, even while still in utero.

Then my baby reached out and tried to touch the therapist's hand, right through my skin! At least that's what the therapist claims. I felt some movement at the same time, but on my other side, as though the feet were pushing against the left side to the hand could reach towards the right. The therapist says she's never experienced that before at all.

We then talked about astrology. I don't invest much energy into astrology usually, but when I do hear personality descriptions from people who know what they are talking about, they are almost always consistent with what I see in the world. So this little Sagittarius is likely to be very fiery, active and social. The therapist says that as a Cancer I'm likely to be the more calming influence on the child at home. As these links say, fire and water. (I'm the water.)

None of this surprises me yet. But it does delight me and make it even harder to wait to actually meet this child.

I couldn't help but notice, by the way, the part about how chest and lungs tend to present a problem for Cancer children. How very appropriate for me from my childhood asthma, to current colds (I had one shortly before Yom Kippur, by the way), to the cancer I fought off 3 years ago! To my relief, it also says that Sagittarius children tend to be healthy. Of course, that's no proof that this will be true. But if it is, all the better.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How way cool! :) Maybe the baby will reach out to more people!

I never held much by astrology, because according to astrologers, Morey and I shouldn't be together. Eh, what do they know?!

5:43 PM

Blogger Evenewra said...

I concur. I never worry too much about who should and shouldn't be compatible with astrology. That's just about negotiation, I figure. But those personality things sure are interesting. I should start watching my students more closely and seeing if all the kids with birthdays near the same time have similar traits.

6:06 PM


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