Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Family That Moans Together...

What a Shabbos.

I put ND to bed around 8 on Friday night. When U. and I came to bed around 11, her clothes and the sheets were soaking wet. Too much to be a diaper leak, so I guessed that maybe she had thrown up. I picked her up and, sure enough, she started again, soaking me. It was really frightening, especially since she was exhausted and basically slept through it. U. and I felt much better once we were able to awaken her and preferred having her cry than be unresponsive.

By morning she was fine, but I hadn't gotten enough sleep so at the last minute to decided to stay home from shul with ND. U. mentioned he wasn't feeling great, but he had to leyn (Bar Mitzvah parshah), so he took off. I davened, then ND and I took a glorious nap. U. came home early and went straight to bed, miserable the entire day with nausea. By evening he started to recover, and then I felt it coming. I was able to sleep through the worst of it. Still we woke up often either because I was uncomfortable or because ND was teething.

Today I'm groggy and my stomach is sensitive, but it looks like we're getting over it.

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