Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

So Many Gifts

G-d's just been sending me some awesome gifts lately, mostly disguised.

Here's the weirdest one right now.

I was SO tense last week and at the beginning of this. As I said before, I've taken on too much this summer.

However, I also have had this horrible sort of rash all over my legs and arms and even seemed to be getting on my face! I thought it was bug bites, but they didn't look right. I went to my primary care doctor who was afraid it was bed bugs! So even though that night I had another of my gifts (first chance I've had in ages to go to a yoga class), U. and I both freaked out well into the night trying to clean and worrying that it could be something EVEN WORSE and that I'd have to close the camp.

Oh no! Money would be lost! My assistants would lose the summer jobs they've counted on! I would feel horrible for having gotten my wish or more free time!

So when the dermatologist took one look at me and said "poison ivy" I was actually ecstatic! This I can treat! And it's not contagious either!

We have this slope in our backyard (fenced off from the kids) that I'd been climbing around in trying to find a bocci ball (bocci set was my birthday gift from U., speaking of gifts). Apparently it's deeply infested with poison ivy.

The doctor asked if I'm a city girl. I was shocked. "No," I said, "I'm just from the west coast! We have poison OAK there!."

Suddenly life seems more live-able. I awoke the next morning feeling calm and collected, ready to meditate, happy to face the day even though I hadn't had enough sleep.


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