Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Squeak squeak

I type this with ND sitting next to me in her high chair feeding cereal to a toy dog. I guess imagination is starting to begin now.

Last night we caught a mouse with a live trap. I found him in there early this morning while U. and ND were still sleeping.

So I took him for a little drive to the woods.

I have been very very stressed recently... far more than I want to be. It's all about this camp I'm running and how much time and energy it takes and that I'm making less money that I should. I keep having long dialogues with friends and myself about how it's really OK because it's free camp for ND and I get to be with her which was part of my intention with it etc. etc. and of course I'm never bored. (Summers often make me feel guilty for being bored.) But something still isnagging at me so I can't resolve this yet.

Well, this little drive with mousy took me up to the Tenafly Nature Center. It was raining hard and I took the trap out and released him without even putting on a jacket.

30 seconds on a rainy morning in the woods is roughly equivalent to 30 minutes of tedious meditation.

I have been avoiding the woods because I'm worried about mosquitos which are horrific this year, and because I can't get very far with ND unless she's on my back. But now I MUST go back.

So quiet in relation to 7 toddlers in my house!

So quiet inside me.

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