Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year

What's more exciting... having a day off for 2009 or the fact that I finished writing anecdotal report cards this week!?

The two came together just on time really. I finished editing some of my assistant's work yesterday and can completely enjoy today. (My vacation doesn't come until mid-January... a week and a half to go.)

December was so hard... so little time to just be... so much time on anecodotals, conferences, and wishing I could be the kind of Mom who makes cookies and buys presents on Channukah, but without the time to do it. (Saved some money that way.)

As long as I'm a full-time teacher and mom, this is how it will be, and I love my work and I love being a mom and I love being busy, but not that busy.

I love that I do now how to put time aside for ND every night now. I love that I've learned that I just can't get work done when it's time to be giving her my full energy. Any time I divide myself, I become tense and useless for both momming and working. U usually hangs out with ND for about an hour each night for me to completely focus on prep work or phone calls, and I love that they get along so well that that's fine. She really doesn't need me for everything the way she once did, and that makes me wonder about my role now as a mom.

I just now heard a little stirring upstairs. I said, "Are you awake, sweethart?" She said "yes," and she's making her way over hear now. So busy! So cute! I hear her dropping something down the stairs.

More blogging in 2009? We'll see. It's one more choice between being with her and doing something else.

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