Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh my gosh

Has it really been 21 days since I've blogged!!!???

Busy busy busy month.

Parent-teacher conferences, anecdotal report cards, ND's 2nd birthday (!!!!!!!!!!!!!), visit from my parents and a trip to ER, now snow storms!

I'm still in the midst of the anecdotals, but I have to at least just tell the world that we're still here.

The ER trip was a day after ND's b'day when my parents were still here. The poor little thing got a stomach virus that made her throw up 15 times! She needed to be rehydrated and it broke all of our hearts to see her on the IV. But I'm not going to dwell on it here, because thank G-d she's totally fine now and that trip is long past. She's doing beautifully and most recently is learning to sing. If she weren't asleep right now I'd make a little movie with her to post. Maybe later this week...

This entry does not feel or sound like me, but it's what I have time for right now. Things will settle down again in about two weeks...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back blogging--missed your posts! Sorry to hear that your little one was ill, but relieved she is much better now:)
Have a good Chanukah!

PS: I just can't believe how much your daughter has grown from the first time your dad showed me your blogsite. Amazing!

5:07 AM


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