Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, December 01, 2008


I wrote that last post in a hurry as I was adjusting to being back at home and wanting to just sort of touch base with myself before I finished my AM routines and headed to work.

But then once I got on the yoga mat I realized I was not going to work at all. Very much enjoying now spending the day at home. Also just got a call from my assistant/partner who told me things are going very well and she has no interest at all in me even pretending to want to come in for the afternoon. I wasn't going to at this point anyway, but I love that she's so competent.

Meanwhile, ND turns 2 this Saturday! I'm wondering what I'll post about that? I'm in constant awe of her, even the wrestling we had to do on the plane yesterday to keep her from putting down the tray on the seat ahead again and again and again and on not throwing crayons and crackers on the ground.

Lately she's fascinated by possession. Everything is, "Mine," "Dat Mommy's _______" (insert object name) or "Dat Da-da's ________".

On Thanksgiving day she said her name correctly for the first time and not just the last two syllables. But she hasn't kept that up.

So exciting that my parents are coming for her birthday this weekend!

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Blogger Alissa said...

Um... you stayed home from work guilt-free? Mazal tov!

and belated happy birhtday ND! Sheesh, I can't believe she's two.

Oh, and because I'm exhausted from ulpan, and can't get my brain to work enough to create an original post, I succumbed to a meme and tagged you. ;) No pressure, of course, as always.

Hope you're over your cold by now!

Oh, and I keep forgetting to tell you about my "small world" facebook moment. You are friends with someone who is friends with someone in my ulpan class. Neat, eh!

12:17 PM


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