Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, July 07, 2013

One Week In...

Just sent this to my writer's group;

Need some Nanowrimo cheerleading please. I need to average 2,500 words per day (skipping Saturdays) to finish before my vacation deadline.

I've just put my characters through a painful experience that is going to lead them towards being hurtful to each other.

I'd rather be out playing with my family right now but I'm trying to keep moving forward.

I don't trust my writing perspective because I'm having to change POV between two different characters and I hadn't wanted to keep it to one.

And I'm hungry but refuse to get out of this seat until I've at least finished 1,000 of today's words.

And going back to what I said before, I really hate putting my characters through pain, but I realize it's necessary.

And yesterday I was glued to a book written by a WAC member that is so much better than I can do that I just don't know if I can measure up. (Angie, that's yours.)

Augh! The martyr-ish self-satisfied agony of writing! What a weird way to spend my summer vacation!



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