Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Phone Solicitation

I got a call the other day from an organization asking for money to help cancer patients.

Ironically, it ticked me off. The woman spoke so fast she was clearly reading a script and wouldn't take no for an answer. She wanted a pledge and was not the least interested in sending literature unless she could send an invoice with it.

But the main thing was that she kept using the term "cancer patient" like some sort of magic manipulation device. I said, "I already give to an organization that supported me when I had cancer," (Not exactly true... no organization directly supported me, but I am partial to donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
since they target my version of the disease.) But the woman missed the hint that we weren't talking about theoreticals and kept saying "cancer patient" the way a politician might say, "But I'm doing it for the children. You care about the children, don't you?"

Maybe it was a hoax.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a pretty classic scam. Yup, "this is for THE CHILDREN" or "The CANCER PATIENTS."

Kind of like, "Elect me FOR AMERICA." Your child is going to war "TO STOP TERRORISM."

Catchwords, fuzzies, whatever.

6:08 PM


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