Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Barium Blues

I'm ticked off. This morning I went in for what should be my FINAL CT scan ever (G-d willing). With this NASTY cold it was not easy to get up early, and I had to drink 3 huge bottles of barium which has upset my stomach considerably. I also was not supposed to eat or drink this morning before the scan.

But I came in, sort of looking forward to getting this done and, when I laid down on the table, struck up a conversation with the radiologist:

"You know, I wonder how this barium will affect the breastfeeding," I said. "My oncologist knows I'm breastfeeding, so I guess it isn't a problem."

"No," says the radiologist, "the barium is fine. But as soon as I inject you with this dye, you will have to wait two days to feed her again."

No one prepared me for that. I don't have enough frozen milk for ND to drink for two full days (I don't think) and I am NOT INTERESTED in giving up feeding for my first days back at work. Too emotional. I'm really ticked the oncologist didn't warn me about this and she's out of town this week. I tried to call her, spoke to her partner instead. Also called pediatrician etc. to get a second opinion.

Finally, I walked out. I hope they didn't have to spend a lot on anything that got wasted. But I wasn't willing to take this risk. I'll check in with the oncologist on Monday and see what the next step is.


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