Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Being Right

So I was right last night.

I was getting sick.

I've always thought that when I get really anxious I make myself sick.
But as I mentioned in my last entry, I think that when I'm getting
sick, I get anxious. Even I found it hard to be around me yesterday.

But it no longer matters because I'm on the cusp of my trip now. As
soon as I repack just one more time, it's off to bed, then up at 3 or 4
AM-ish to head for my flight.

It's no good to be sick in a plane, but at least I've already got one
day of this cold out of the way and lots and lots of herbal remedies to
help me out.

Sambucol is a miracle. (Elderberry exract)

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Blogger Al said...


Break a leg in NYC!


1:16 AM


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