Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I feel like I've been neglecting the blog, but I guess it really hasn't been a week yet since my last entry.

Weird stuff in my blog world. A while back I abandoned my "anonymous" blog because I realized it wasn't giving me the sense of community I'd hoped to find there. I realized if I was going to write secret things I should do that in my private journal and that if I wanted community I should seek out people I actually know.

In any case, I recently commented as Evenewra on the blog of a person with whom I communicated through the anonymous blog. She figured out who I was because I repeated something on Brainsite that I'd said on the other blog. So then we emailed together a bit last weekend.

It was a little scary. I think she's the only person that I now know through both blogs. But she's not local, so I'm okay with it.

In any case, you may be interested to know that there are just 26 days left of school plus 3 teacher work days.


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