Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Saturday, April 08, 2006


It's been creeping up all year. Preparing for it is so difficult. And there's so much invested in this special time of year. Such depth. Such significance. I've been counting the days all year and preparing emotionally since Purim.

That's right. It's National Ant Day!!!!!!

In honor of the holiday I'll spend tomorrow... cleaning for Pesach. But I'll be on the lookout for ant-y blessings in disguise like this one twelve years ago.



Blogger Soferet said...

YAY for National Ant Day!

The Hebrew word for ant is nemalah & it's gematria ia 125. That's the same number as for the ostracized angel Menuda'el & the demon Danma'el.
So there...
Happy Ant Day & thanks for the reminder :D

2:50 AM

Blogger Allie said...

We're having a very happy National Ant Day in Ireland, the sun is shining, there's probably ants out there, it's great!

Have a good one!

7:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rarely get up this early on weekends, but I can't help but leap out of bed to appreciate the excitement of National Ant Day! I recently came across my button from several years ago... What did I do with it? Well, it is a day to rejoice with or without a button. I've already seen an ant in my house. She and I went our own ways, but I should have welcomed her! When I go for a walk in the park later, I'll be thinking of my friend the founder, and all the ants in the world.

8:41 AM

Blogger Dovid J said...

It was always hard to decide when I was a little boy whether to collect bugs or stamps, in the end I decided stamped bugs was the most fun. (stolen from Calvin and Hobbes)
I guess being religious I see a little work of Hashem and now I try to avoid smashing these tiny winders. If I am having a bad emuna day look at a tiny bug, tightly packed logic, sensors, self mobile and able to power itself off of available resources... oh yea it reproduces too.
Happy ant day!!

2:06 PM


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