Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, July 17, 2006

A little art on the side

At the beginning of the summer I said I would write for an hour each day.


For the first time in days I just got around to doing a little and all I managed was to revise one poem from a big stack I have on my desk.

On NPR today I heard this story about The Long Tail Of Sales. In a nutshell, what interested me was that with internet selling things like music online, store owners do not need to just stick to big pop music to make money because they don't have a limit on shelf space. In other words, there is a place in our word for the obscure and less popular. One thing he mentions is that most musicians are not musicians full time. So you sell a little here, a little there. You don't need to make it your life. If I can publish one article a year to a market I know how to write for, I can feel quite satisfied with how I'm doing with the professional part of my writing life, and I'm happy too with the writing I do for fun.

How reassuring!



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