Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Historic Fort Lee and How I'm Spending My Time

Long Sunday. U. and I had an outing to a historical site in Fort Lee. Not terribly exciting, but it was fun to get out a little. We got a nice view of the GW bridge and Manhattan, and had some fun with one or two of the exhibits in the museum.

I feel like I have things I'd like to get done now that I have so much time on my hands, but I am just having a terrible time feeling motivated. Kind of the opposite of nesting. My biggest accomplishment was sorting all of the maternity clothes I've borrowed so that they will be easier to return when it's time. It took me hours because I couldn't sustain working on it long enough at a time.

Today is one of the first days when I haven't constantly been thinking, "Maybe this is it!" It's probably good I'm easing up on that.

But I really must complain about one thing for a minute... I keep running into this person who keeps advising me to induce. It really ticks me off. It's not her business. If it was, I could tell plenty of reasons not to, but there's no reason the conversation needs to take place at all.

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Blogger AMJ said...

First, it is good you are getting out and enjoying your time off.

Second, I once read that all pregnant women should wear blinders like a horse so that they can ignore all imappropriate comments. This is true. This will also be true as soon as you have that little bundle in your arms. People love to give advice and they just can't help it. I found that having a sense of humor and using a mental sieve to sort the junk from the useful is handy. I think you are an intellligent person who knows herself and her body and you will do the right thing for you and the baby.


2:51 AM


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