Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Due Date Today

So today's the due date, but I'm not sure that really means anything... just that I've been pregnant for 40 weeks now.

I don't want to go into labor today if I can help it. I have a nasty sore throat and cold which started Sunday. (Sadly enough... one of the highlights of that day was stopping at Ben & Jerry's, demanding something "very very chocolatey with cookie in it" and thereupon discovering the ecstasy of the flavor called "chocolate therapy." I think, unfortunately, that the sugar and dairy combination suppressed my immune system once again in the process.) So yesterday I was in bed much of the day and will probably do the same today. Maybe tomorrow's a good way to go.

Last night I went to the mikveh. I'm not going to go into detail as it was a very personal experience, but one of my goals in this blog is to be open about ritual in my life as an example of things that my dear readers (if I were saying that out loud, I would do it in a sarcastic/shy voice) can do in their lives too, or recommend to others. So I just want to tell that I did it at all. I went without saying a brocha, but davened for plenty. (I'm intentionally not translating, because it isn't terribly relevant if you don't already know what I'm talking about.) What was really nice was that the mikveh lady was able to schedule me back-to-back with a woman who has been having difficulty getting pregnant. It's a segulah for her to go in after me, so we took each other's Hebrew names. She's going to daven for me for an easy labor. She also wanted to pay my way, but I said no. I was just trying to be polite by refusing, but I think I offended her. So I told her to please give tzedakah elsewhere on my behalf but that I wanted to pay for this myself.

In any case, it's time to go into my currently empty day now and see what little things I choose to do as I wait and wait and wait some more...

One last thought on that note though... I am LOVING being on a leave during which my mind is not on anything outside of my own home and immediate life. I have been keeping concerns about school so far away in my mind that I almost forgot that yesterday was a school day at all.

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