Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Hitting the Ground Running

Since my trip I've barely had time to sit and integrate it.

It's report card season now which means a major rush to not only write the report cards, but to do last-minute assignments that will provide something I can PUT on the report card. (So there's the truth. I hope I'm not spilling any trade secrets. Besides, these last minute assessments aren't for anything MAJOR.)

I really hate the way I feel during report cards. It's a time to reflect on everything I haven't accomplished. And after seeing my new school, I just want to start fresh. I've always been better at starting things than finishng them. But I've asked around. Most of my colleagues are suffering lower-than-usual self-esteem right now along with me. Even being offered a job so quickly doesn't fix those feelings of insecurity.

In any case, there's not much I can do today at the school. I have a follow-up at the oncologist during the time I normally teach in the afternoon. I'm 1 year and 8 months out from the beginning of my remission.

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