Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, July 24, 2006

Israel vote

A friend sent me the message below. It's hard for me to know how much impact something like this really has, but it only takes a second to vote anyway, so please do so:

Israel is losing the CNN vote.

We must vote for Israel on the CNN web site.
This survey is shown all over the world, and will have a strong impact on the world public opinion,
Go in to the following link' roll down to QUICK VOTE, and vote yes' for supporting Israel action.
Pass it on to every one you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh, I think things like this are created to just to create spam. Nobody (nobody intelligent) takes them seriously, almost everyone knows you can sit there and vote a thousand times. It's just like the Hitler for Time's Man of the Year vote a few years ago. Didn't effect the actual result, just got the 'net community in an uproar.

10:14 PM


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