Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Return of the Fridge Poem

For those of you who have read my blog since the very beginning, you'll remember my Fridge Poems created from Magnetic Poetry. (Once I finish tagging all my past blog entries you'll be able to find all the fridge poems under the heading of Poetry.)

Well, it was bothering me last week that I have 3 beautiful magnetic poetry sets and even a magnetic surface on my desk for said poems, and have not created but one or two since my arrival in NJ a year and a half ago. So I created a new poem, but this one has new rules. Instead of forcing myself to use every word that I randomly chose, I went through small groups of words and picked out those that resonated with me. I did not add anything to make it more inteligible. I will just let the words speak their own meaning and not try to make them into anything more. (You see, I ran out of time...)

The following poem is dedicated to my new daughter.

lapse worry
soft melt surround ocean love
need kiss snuggle
graceful blue

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