Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, December 26, 2011


Geez I'm far behind on here. I didn't tell about ND's birthday, but part of that is I'm trying to give her more and more privacy. I haven't told about... well, anything for a bit.

My parents are in town now for Channukah. Mom and I went today to see Alan Rickman (and the other actors too of course) in Seminar. Later I may post my photos from outside, though we didn't get to see him afterwards or get his autograph. (Nope, just Jerry O'Connell's. I hope you're able to detect that I think that's cool too.) We had front row seats which was often given that we came primarily to ogle over one of my mom's very favorite actors and yes, he was very much within reach a few times.

The play, though, was about young writers trying to break into the world of writing. There was very much the tone of wanting desperately to be found, be good enough, to be big enough to be noticed, and not to lose that fame. It made me sad. This is definitely one way to view a writing career, but what a depressing one. How hard to be constantly at the mercy of the public or critics. My career, if you can call it that, is so much smaller, but like the other writers in my group, it's realistic. We all enjoy our craft, have some talent, and can always benefit from feedback that can help our work. We face a lot of rejection, but most of us have income that allows that rejection to be only emotionally trying rather than financially devastating.

That's all I can say on that tonight. I enjoyed the play. Like "Life In The Theater" that I saw last year, it juxtaposed young and old characters within the arts. Moving and funny and sad all together. And awesome to be around some famous faces.

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Tuesday, December 06, 2011

In Time For ND's birthday

I'd love to write about the actual details of her birthday when I get some time, but meanwhile, here's a link to an article of mine that was published today. The website belongs to a doula friend of mine who asked if I could contribute an article with reflections on ND's birth. I didn't mean to finish the process with her right on this date, but I guess birth is on my mind near the birthday!

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