Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more

Monday, February 24, 2014

Game Changer

Well now, this is an interesting one…

I'm home sick today with a nasty cold. Runny nose, coughing deep in the bronchial tubes. The works.

As always I feel a little frustrated, pitiful, a little scared even maybe guilty. Maybe.

Check this out… this is my SECOND sick day I've taken since the start of the school year.

That's huge.

In the past I often was lucky to keep it to an average of one day per month.

This is due to a combination of things, I'm sure.

For one, I don't work Fridays, which means that sometimes when I'm not feeling well I just make it to Friday and then go slow.

Secondly, I don't have the same stress levels now that I'm not a classroom teacher.

Thirdly, I've been differentiating more between all-out-sick (like today) and just my fatigue spells that I still get quite regularly and I think probably will get for the rest of my life.

Fourth, because my job is not that of a classroom teacher, I can get through the a fatigue day whereas the thought of facing a classroom on a day like that was daunting.

Fifth, maybe I'm just taking better care of myself. Not that I wasn't before, but it's a constant focus. Maybe I'm growing in my ability to stay well.

I still laid in bed on Shabbat worrying about whether I had cancer again. I rehashed all the frightening memories that go with having my lung space compromised the way it is right now and was then before my diagnosis 11 years ago. Overall I know I just have a cold, that this is a normal cold that all people are susceptible to, and that I'll be back to normal when my body's had the time to rest… it will today. Just as soon as I thank G-d and then get back into bed.

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Thursday, February 06, 2014

With a family like this, why would I want to escape?

Today was our second snow day from school this week and this year. U and ND had a brilliant idea.

There's an app we like to play together called Can You Escape? The goal of the game is to escape each room by finding tools and codes around a room to solve and to help you open a door out.
Imagine my surprise when I came downstairs to the dining room and heard the music from the game playing, a mostly bare room, and a few objects strategically placed around. 

A jump drive was inside the glass case.
 But I couldn't open the case without the code:
I found the code by looking through the place cards ND long ago made for us for the table, and finding a new one that had the colors in the right color.

So I could retrieve the jump drive. Then I could use it in the digital frame

which game me another code.
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