Texas 2010
Labels: children, family, living here, outings, parenthood, pictures, road trips
Many thoughts about identity, Judaism, teaching, meditation, travel, parenting and more
Labels: children, family, living here, outings, parenthood, pictures, road trips
Yesterday morning when ND woke up, Meemau sang her this song, a song that's been passed down through the generations in her family:
Labels: children, family, living here, meditation, outings, parenthood, road trips
Our trip draws to a close today. I've been so grateful for so many things throughout, a large one being the opportunity to be outside a significant amount of time with ND.
Labels: children, family, meditation, outings, parenthood, road trips
Tonight during dinner at my grandmother (Meemau)'s house, I was helping ND cut her pasta. I accidentally broke the plastic fork she was using. The night before she had been biting a plastic fork hard and I had warned her not to break it.
Labels: children, family, living here, outings, road trips
When U. and I were driving with ND to the airport, ND dropped something on the floor. U. reached back, picked it up and handed it to her.
Labels: children, family, living here, outings, parenthood
I'm visiting at my grandmother's house in Wimberly. I'm working hard (too hard?) at being in the present moment and discovering how challenging it is for me. I keep reflecting on just how much I've been working during the school year and don't know if there is any way to do it differently. I'm looking for ways to improve the quality of my presence, particularly for ND. Ironically, the harder I work during the day the easier it is to be present at night with her because I'm not interested in doing other things.
Labels: living here, meditation, outings
ND has a thing where if I say she can't do something, she says, "but my daddy says it's ok..."
Labels: children, family, living here
This is one of the strangest movies I've ever seen. After the first 20 minutes I said to Uri, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this." He said I didn't have to watch it and I said, "Oh yes I do..." I don't give up that easy. Don't read on if you plan to see it and haven't yet... It's hypnotic and no one can explain it including the film makers. For a long time I thought it was all about time, or maybe storytelling. Then I thought maybe the seducer was just plain crazy. Then suddenly I was completely sure that the woman had a fever and the seducer was death taking her away. So sure of it that I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I think I really liked this after all.
Labels: movies
I was so burnt out last week I could barely wait for the weekend. I imagined it would be a nice leisure time after working so hard lately on anecdotals and various volunteer things for shul.
Labels: career, children, family, living here